bobchappell55: K33P0632c Azure Damselfly, Lackford Lakes,
images@twiston: The Duirinish Stone
bobchappell55: K33P9862c Four-spotted Chaser, Woodwalton Fen,
Roger Armutat: Duhner Wattrennen in Cuxhaven
Alan Burkwood: Southern Migrant Hawker Dragonfly.
Alan Burkwood: Relaxed ...........
images@twiston: Skyefall
bobchappell55: K33P1846c Marbled White, Bedford Purlieus, June 2024
bobchappell55: K33P2703c Comma, Monks Wood, July 2024
bobchappell55: K33P9541aa Curlew, Titchwell Beach, March 2024
Simon Lathlane: 34067 Attacks Blea Moor
Cari E: Daybreak
Alan Burkwood: 7029. Woodhouse Mill.
REBAWAY: Male MAYFLY DUN (Ephemera danica)
bobchappell55: K33P1940c Broad-bodied Chaser, Monks Wood, June 2024
Alan Burkwood: Owl .............
Paul McGoveran: Red Saddlebags 5212
Alan Burkwood: Easy rider ............
keithbannister67: Long eared owl
bobchappell55: K33P3294c Marbled White, Devils Dyke (Newmarket) June 2022
Alan Burkwood: Four-spotted Chaser Dragonfly.
Alan Burkwood: Southern Hawker Dragonfly.
images@twiston: Zeescape
Alan Burkwood: View from the pub.
bobchappell55: K32P3566 Orange Tip, Devils Dyke (Burwell), June 2023
bobchappell55: K33P0499c Banded Demoiselle, Lackford Lakes, June 2024
brian_stoddart: Late Afternoon
Cari E: Fence Line