peter_sossi: Pulli Cavaliere d'Italia
peter_sossi: Cucciolo di camoscio
peter_sossi: Fioriture
peter_sossi: Caccia grossa
peter_sossi: Aironi guardiabuoi
peter_sossi: Il pasto della nutria
peter_sossi: Paesaggio toscano
peter_sossi: Tempo di provviste
peter_sossi: Autunno sul lago
peter_sossi: Alba autunnale
peter_sossi: Autunno sulle Dolomiti
tomblandford: Lesser Yellowlegs
tomblandford: American Avocet
Cosper Wosper: Nice day for Ducks and Dippers...
normanwest4tography: Shoveler - Anas clypeata
Mike Atkinson Photography: Malachite Butterfly (7).
Deborah Freeman: The rains have started so I expect this little one will be staying lower down for a sure was fun visiting while it lasted. NPO
Mike Atkinson Photography: A Scene Of Solitude.
DennisKirkland: Fatherhood Pectoral Sandpiper Wing Raise - Ohio Red-necked Phalarope Preening - Ohio
alan fear: Mr Mallard
Ken Krach Photography: A Bridge & It's Shadow
Ady G.: Sanderling Yellow-breasted Chat with Mantis - Ohio
Alain Daigle: Moucherolle des aulnes \ Alder Flycatcher Peregrine Food Drop 1979