Steve Arena: Happy New Year!
geoff'sphotos: Mandarin Drake
Ed Rizer: This wild, migrant, REDHEAD drake is so tame he follows the swans up to the sawn feeders near shore. The Beauty Of God's Creation at Lake Morton Lakeland Florida USA 1/1/25
J.Hunter Photography: Varied Thrush
J.Hunter Photography: Varied Thrush
neilhilton65: Crested Tit
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Great Blue Heron
dom67150: Pinson du Nord - Brambling
J.Hunter Photography: Ruby-crowned Kinglet
J.Hunter Photography: Red-necked Phalarope
J.Hunter Photography: American Wigeon
Tim Melling: Wet Leg
SnappyMac: Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) - Male
Stan Parrott: Magpie
Stan Parrott: Magpie
Stan Parrott: Magpie
BB Photography Studio: California Scrub Jay-01
BB Photography Studio: Sage Thrasher-16
Talip Çetin: Galata Kulesi, İstanbul Boğazı, Çamlıca Kulesi ve Boğaz Köprüsü
Tim Birds: Great White Egret Rutland Water 14-9-24
Tim Birds: Great White Egret Rutland Water 14-9-24
Tim Birds: Great White Egret Rutland Water 14-9-24
martinpettinger: Fieldfare - 4568 SVPX 1
JEO126: Red-breasted merganser hen
glostopcat: Oystercatchers in flight!
glostopcat: Lapwing - On the Rushy Pen II
jarvisshirky: Almost Extinct: Whooping Crane
themadbirdlady: Pole Dancer
themadbirdlady: Turnstones and 2 Purple Sandpipers