ken.helal: Osprey with a Rainbow Trout Draped in Its Talons
Matthias.Kahrs: Steinkauz (Athene noctua)
Simone Mazzoccoli: Cincia Mora
ken.helal: Screamin' Eagle
C.PEDRIALI 75: Astore (m)
Fpoitras: Garrot à oeil d'or / Goldeneye
sbuckinghamnj: Female subadult lion
pstone646: Protecting the herd.
Dr DAD (Daniel A D'Auria MD): Dinner with a View 7271
pcaze81: Mésange bleue
pcaze81: Grive musicienne
pcaze81: Fauvette à tête noire
pcaze81: Pouillot véloce
C.PEDRIALI 75: Codibugnolo
C.PEDRIALI 75: Verdone femmina su magnolia
C.PEDRIALI 75: Gruccione portrait
C.PEDRIALI 75: Balia nera su sorbo...
flaviobergo: IMG_8740 culbianco (Oenanthe oenanthe)
C.PEDRIALI 75: Sgarza ciuffetto e luccioperca
Dr DAD (Daniel A D'Auria MD): Sitting Pretty 5269
ken.helal: Great Horned Owl - The Staremaster
Simone Mazzoccoli: Ibis Sacro
eyetwist: wildcat. 2015.
Massimo Greco *: Martin pescatore (Alcedo atthis)
Massimo Greco *: Airone cenerino
TomGautier88: The Baggers Farewell
tramontinclaudio: LIED 2011
tramontinclaudio: LIED 2011
ken.helal: Osprey - Gone but Not Forgotten
welloutafocus: Best of Friends, Sheldrick Elephant Orphanage, Nairobi.