Ted Smith 574: Just a little movement up in the tree canopy. I ran off a few speculative shots, hoping to catch something. Red-bellied Woodpecker!
GrahamParryWildlife: American Robin . Turdus migratorius . a long way from home
GrahamParryWildlife: Wild Beaver ( Castor fiber) Eurasian beaver Kent UK
GrahamParryWildlife: Elenoras Falcon (Falcons, Caracaras) taken at Worth in Kent
GrahamParryWildlife: Sabine’s Gull . Xema sabini a rare visitor) . Dungeness Kent UK
GrahamParryWildlife: The Red Fox (Vulpes Vulpes) Taken at Dungeness
GrahamParryWildlife: Buzzard (Buteo Buteo) Dungeness RSPB
GrahamParryWildlife: Osprey ( Pandion haliaetus) Royal military canal Appledore
GrahamParryWildlife: Hedgehog .Erinaceus europaeus . Rural garden Kent
GrahamParryWildlife: Grey Phalarope (Phalaropus fulicarius) Dungeness NNR
GrahamParryWildlife: Red Deer – Cervus elaphus
David Brooker: Stoat, juvenile
Mandenno photography: Snow Leopard - Pairi Daiza
Mandenno photography: European eagle owl
JRWhitaker1: Backyard Olympics?
Gary Watson: White-tailed Eagles
Gary Watson: Humpback Whale
Gary Watson: Humpback Whale
Gary Watson: Humpback Whale
Ron Vipond: Mr Woodpecker
David Brooker: Spotted flycatcher with wasp
Wildonline.blog: Long tailed tit
Wildonline.blog: Chaffinch
J. Antonio Chanivet: Lycaena virgaureae ♀
sErGiO Ornitho, Mais pas que...: Zygaena fausta (Zygène de la petite Coronille)
FergalSandra: Garden Blue Tit
FergalSandra: Common Tern on the move
bj3001978: Wallace's Longwing - Heliconius wallacei