Francesc F P: Puput comuna
Francesc F P: Abellerol_Abellerola
A. Olech: Eurasian wren
Anto Camacho: Galicia
SnappyMac: Linnet (Carduelis cannabina)
@wilder_action: banded in more than 1 way
marie1179: Macro mondays : collection
joseanme_mo: Picogordo
fotodave22: DSP08758 - Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea)
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Chouette rayée - Barred owl
George Kurzik: Nuthatch
eerokiuru: Lesser Spotted Woodpecker ♂ (Dendrocopos minor)
Robert Streithorst: Pretty Woman
Ted Holm Photography: As the small fishing boat emerges through the fog at sunrise, a serene solitude envelops you, as if you've drifted into a perfect world
Jim Beers: Immature Ruby-throated Hummingbird and a Morning Glory
Mark Littlejohn: Companionship
@wilder_action: Bee-ing Cuckoo
Michelle Hang Bui: _DSC1118_ Forster's Terns
der_peste (on/off): Nant Gwernol
J.Hunter Photography: Sandhill Cranes
Derek Midgley: Black-bellied Starling on our neighbours umbrella tree
marie1179: Heterosminthurus bilineatus