Susannebarton: 2019 Haliburton-71
LJCooksey: Swallowtail Butterfly
pzj1001: DSC04411ship
Bob Miller2014: Nova Scotia Human Action
mikegraham6: 12095271_10205256362794024_145929630278096260_o
bjauch: The taste of fall
calliwa: IMG_0347
pzj1001: DSC02091milkweed
Susannebarton: My most fun shot this month --- Star Trails
decal4: IMG_8661 (2)
calliwa: IMG_4841 Scared
Bob Miller2014: Happy Dog
PeterThoeny: Exploring the city at night
jakecase1: Cool Tetons
tlrjlinn: DSC_0091
decal4: IMG_8444 (2)
pzj1001: 322croc
pzj1001: 626
Bob Miller2014: Glacial Approach
tlrjlinn: dsc_0034
decal4: IMG_7355
Jeff Franz GCCC: IMGP4971rev1
decal4: IMG_7115
calliwa: IMG_9990
calliwa: IMG_9659
calliwa: IMG_9597s
djfly1001: APR GS Pier (12) A C
djfly1001: JU Farm Critters 004 C
decal4: IMG_5843
djfly1001: JNToledo Art 031 A C