patricia.hoedts: Papallona reina - Macaon - Swallowtail - Machaon - Papilio machaon
Wellington H Pracz: CUCUMBER BEETLE
patricia.hoedts: Trist - Cisticola buitron - Zitting cisticola - Cisticole des joncs - Cisticola juncidis
Eric Gofreed: Brazilian Teals-07467-Edit
Norbert Lefevre: # Explore ... 17 ... # Guêpier d'Europe ( Merops apiaster - European Bee-eater )
Pediment: Male Kingfisher
Martin Horton : Feathered Friends
Shedugengan: Young male Rufous Hummingbird
Andrelo2014: Yellow-fronted barbet (Psilopogon flavifrons)
DeirdreYrD: Red Squirrel Antics
Wellington H Pracz: HALLOWEEN PENNANT quetzal-resplandeciente_NGR1938
Frank van Dongen: Beacon of Twilight
nitinchandra: Just Dropping Down on You!
sandra bourgeois: Petite nyctale - Northern saw-whet owl
ericnzhou: Anna's Hummingbird
ÇhяḯṧtÖρнε: Marouette ponctuée - Porzana porzana (Domaine Des Oiseaux, Ariège) 01 septembre 2024
~Cess~: Pie-grièche écorcheur ~Explored~- Lanius collurio - Red-backed Shrike
Chiew L: Short-eared Owl. Very pleased that the late evening sun came out and lit the wild flowers in the background.
ricketdi: House Finch / Roselin familier ( Diane )
geno k: Hooded Warbler fall composite
Danygin: Portrait d'un Renard Polaire - Vulpes Lagopus
Earl Reinink: I'm out of here...
ChrisDeno92: 114039 Domaine de Versailles La ferme des animaux
le_charly: Hov-Gimsoy_Lofoten_2024_08_17
Allan Hopkins: Eurasian Griffon Vulture (Gyps f. fulvus)