Neal.: Frayed Knot
peretzpup: frayed
Kukolka 1:6: My vices are devices
Nata Luna: ...and the beat goes on...
Nata Luna: ...and the beat goes on...
Cyndy Bee: LGBTQ restroom for ALL dolls
Nata Luna: feeling escapist so i decided to visit [my favourite] team TARDIS
Nata Luna: [9] "Finally I can take this off!" "you should keep it on, Master, it suits you!" (laughter from Alison)
Nata Luna: [4] "SURPRISE!"
Nata Luna: [12] meanwhile...
Nata Luna: [13] "smile for the photo! oh well, close enough... THANK YOU!!"
Nata Luna: [2] ...
Nata Luna: [4] "you're still not well..."
edenpictures: Bastet
Nata Luna: (rerun from last year) happy holidays, flickr friends!
Nata Luna: [7] I could have been someone / Well so could anyone
Nata Luna: [8] Can't make it all alone / I've built my dreams around you
Nata Luna: [12] "eughhh"
Nata Luna: end of the day
Nata Luna: [2] "but... we are also dead... it's not so bad...?"
Nata Luna: [1] "i can't believe he's DEAD..." [sobs]
Nata Luna: experimenting
Nata Luna: [7] flashback (MONOCHROMATIC for A-Z group)
Nata Luna: [3] ...
Land of Dolls: Starbucks Grand Opening #4 of 5
Land of Dolls: Starbucks Grand Opening #5 of 5
Nata Luna: [6] "i didn't want spoilers about the future..."
Nata Luna: [1] (after reading all day...)
Foxy Belle: 2. Tag Game: Celebrating the Bikini
JATMANStories: JATMAN - Lauraine's Heart 04