Cyndy Bee: Quick pic beds for the Poodle Palace under construction...
Cyndy Bee: Lamp for the Poodle Palace...
Cyndy Bee: Introducing some new characters I've been working on. We have the mysterious Canadian author, Sylvain Reynard, never before seen until this moment. As I have long suspected, the international man of mystery has serious vampiric tendencies. We also have
Cyndy Bee: Introducing some new characters I've been working on. We have the mysterious Canadian author, Sylvain Reynard, never before seen until this moment. As I have long suspected, the international man of mystery has serious vampiric tendencies. We also have
Cyndy Bee: Introducing some new characters I've been working on. We have the mysterious Canadian author, Sylvain Reynard, never before seen until this moment. As I have long suspected, the international man of mystery has serious vampiric tendencies. We also have
Cyndy Bee: Introducing some new characters I've been working on. We have the mysterious Canadian author, Sylvain Reynard, never before seen until this moment. As I have long suspected, the international man of mystery has serious vampiric tendencies. We also have
Cyndy Bee: Introducing some new characters I've been working on. We have the mysterious Canadian author, Sylvain Reynard, never before seen until this moment. As I have long suspected, the international man of mystery has serious vampiric tendencies. We also have
Cyndy Bee: Introducing some new characters I've been working on. We have the mysterious Canadian author, Sylvain Reynard, never before seen until this moment. As I have long suspected, the international man of mystery has serious vampiric tendencies. We also have
Cyndy Bee: Testing....
Cyndy Bee: Testing....
Cyndy Bee: Professor Demon Gabriel...
Cyndy Bee: The Steakhouse...
Cyndy Bee: My Scene Limousine repaint...
Cyndy Bee: 1:6 Street scene at night...
Cyndy Bee: 1:6 Street scene at night...
Cyndy Bee: Just finished these Buffalo wings for my dolls. Demon Gabriel likes hot stuff and ordered them up special.
Cyndy Bee: Quick pic Demon Gabriel's kitchen in progress...
Cyndy Bee: Sneak peek at spa bathroom in the works....
Cyndy Bee: My Scene Limo Makeover! More later....
Cyndy Bee: My Scene Limo Makeover! Now the Passionflix Limo. Still waiting for flame stencils for exterior.
Cyndy Bee: First outdoor diorama I've ever done. Poster, moss, homemade apples, and rocks from my yard.
Cyndy Bee: Oven bake clay apples, painted with acrylics. The yellow thing is a lemon.
Cyndy Bee: Actress Melanie Zanetti, Julia Mitchell in Gabriel's Inferno. 18" x 24" Charcoal on paper.
Cyndy Bee: Melanie Zanetti still in progress...Charcoal on paper.
Cyndy Bee: Hey kids, it's the crazy doll lady here. I haven't played with "crayons" in quite a while. Here we have the humble beginnings of actress Melanie Zanetti in charcoal on paper.
Cyndy Bee: Life imitates art. The mini came first.
Cyndy Bee: Detail of web window. Wall phone is my favorite piece. I made the cord from a ball point pen spring.
Cyndy Bee: A little Viv and a cake!
Cyndy Bee: Deceptive Desserts - Christine's little book!
Cyndy Bee: The always beautiful Christine...