G_E_R_D: Frohe Weihnachten!
Rafael Zenon Wagner: Merry Christmas - there is still hope for 2025
ismaguell: Le Louvre
ferpectshotz: Believe you can and you're halfway there…
Eric Gofreed: Skyward Sip: The Aracari's Gravity-Driven Drink
tlswan2: Reflection of a Window
Albert Wirtz @ Landscape and Nature Photography: *First morning sun in the Dolomites*
mineral2150: Gray Squirrel
Melissa Kung: 7DC_9875 Phainopepla female
pstenzel71: Frozen Hydrangea
mcalma68: Old Dutch
Albert Wirtz @ Landscape and Nature Photography: *Sonnenaufgang im Winternebel*
aeneas66: Monument Valley Arizona USA Navajo Nation
pstenzel71: Faded
odileva: Blue-capped Cordon-bleu/Uraeginthus cyanocephalus,
Jean-Marie Will: 61. Weihnachtssingen auf dem Herrenberger Marktplatz
Stefano B.54: Magnanina - Sylvia undata
Christie : Colour & Light Collection: Atmospheric Mist - Twilight Glow
tlswan2: Santa Monica Pier
JensLPZ: Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all my Flickr friends and followers · · · (R5A_6920)
104gian: Giau
pstenzel71: Frozen
Eric Gofreed: Nature’s Ornament: A Waxwing and its Berry
CoronaViking (mountain photography): Where Silence Breathes: A Solitary Awakening in New Zealand's Southern Alps
michafink: Redshank