Mark W. Lockwood: Lazuli X Indigo Bunting - White River Lake, Texas
geno k: Blackburnian Warbler #2 / I invite you to click on the YouTube link
davidcreebirder: Blue-winged Warbler -west of Cookeville, TN
geno k: Canada Warbler and Red Trillium / North Carolina
Bob Gunderson: Anna's Hummingbird
geno k: Black-and-White Warbler / North Carolina
PhotoJacko - Jackie Novak: Rising Milky Way at Arches
mpi56744: Milky Way
Bob Gunderson: Townsend's Warbler
Buff Spectacular: Pyrrhuloxia
Thy Photography: Great Horned Owl
geno k: Nashville Warbler. Michigan.
Thy Photography: Aerial Food Transfer
Bob Gunderson: Short-eared Owl for Superb Owl Sunday
Bob Gunderson: Alcatraz as the morning fog burns of
Bob Gunderson: Greater Roadrunner
Bob Gunderson: California Scrub-Jay
nick.linda: Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus)
Vlado iz Ferovca: Great Horned Owl
Thy Photography: Lesser Nighthawk (m)
Thy Photography: Lesser Nighthawk
Phiddy1: Lawrence's warbler
Phiddy1: Bobolink
Bob Gunderson: American Avocet
Phiddy1: Red breasted merganser (m)
Bob Gunderson: Northern Flicker
Bob Gunderson: Northern Red Bishop