Phil Gower Bird Photography: Short-eared Owl (URN: 2783)
Gord Sawyer: Kestrel
Gord Sawyer: Northern Harrier
Thelma Gátuzzô: Blue-crowned Trogon
BirdMojo: Cinnamon contact
billthomas_steel: Warbling Vireo - 2024 - 001 - (EOS R7_4599)
Earl Reinink: Yellow Warbler
BN Singh: Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
BN Singh: Sandwich Tern
bcbirdergirl: King Penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) - Porvenir, Chile
BN Singh: Bufflehead
erauws: Determination - Explore Jan 14/24
Earl Reinink: Kestrel
Mary Sonis: Prothonotary Warbler
pekabo90401: Northern Mockingbird .....Terranea 2890 Southern California_
Thy Photography: Snowy Owl
pedro lastra: The Blues Brothers Sing Acappella. Boat-tailed grackles (Quiscalus major), Wakodahatchee Wetlands, Delray Beach, Fl.
erauws: Sunny O
RickCGraham: Red-Billed Blue Magpie / Urocissa erythroryncha / 紅嘴藍鵲
PETEJLB: European Green Woodpecker
johnatkins2008: Chaffinch ( cock ) 27/11/22.
pedro lastra: Painted Bunting at Green Cay Nature Preserve.
esellingson: Cedar Waxwings - worth watching if you're interested in bird behavior.
Jasperdo: Stanwood, Washington - Then and Now
alicecahill: What - only a stick??
minvallaa: Gannet
Khurram Khan...: Sun kissed