stefano zerauschek: This Relatively Young Eurasian Brown Bear (Ursus arctos arctos) I Met Was on the Forest Road (915-Snežnik) that Connects Sviščaki to Mašun, at about 1170m a.s.l., in an Area Beaten by the Bora wind; We Are in the Mount Snežnik Forest, Slovenia
stefano zerauschek: The Zelenci Resurgence Ponds, 852m a.s.l.: here Sava Dolinka Re-Spring Definitively, As "Bubbles" from the Sandy Bottom, Some Kilometers (Underground) After the Primary Source in Tamar, Planica Valley, Slovenija
In punta di piedi...di Troise Carmine - Washi: Il scrute son terrain de chasse...
Stefano Rugolo: Myosotis
Klaus Kehrls: Malaien-Fischuhu - 25041904
T@hir'S Photography: Great Rose finch female
stefano zerauschek: Mounts Kočna (2540m a.s.l.) and Grintovec (2558m a.s.l.) Seen from the Kranj Plain, Left Sava, Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe Chain, Northern Slovenija
stefano zerauschek: Slovenian Karst Region Cerkniško Jezero (551m a.s.l.) Is Full Since the Thaw Started.
De Mi Ser: Cloister of St. Clare | Naples
Albumdeiricordi: Caprarola - Italy
Albumdeiricordi: Lago di Ledro - Italy
Albumdeiricordi: Sorridi...alla Vita!!!
kiareimages1: Finalmente primi colori del tramonto 2018
kiareimages1: Simple spring beauties
kiareimages1: E adesso, .... ?
kiareimages1: Come una colomba ... Peace ! buona Pasqua
kiareimages1: vêtements de primtemps
Robyn Hooz: Points of view
Robyn Hooz: My snakey mirror
Robyn Hooz: My personal Rorschach test
Gaiani Fabio: ErbaVoglio
Stefano Rugolo: Dandelion evening
T@hir'S Photography: Red-billed leiothrix
George Plakides: The Wave