Dancing Snake Nature Photography: _L9A1429 Gould's Wild Turkey ©Dancing Snake Nature Photography
nshaw6: Phainopepla:
alicecahill: Coyote Family - Explored
Ned Harris: _U6A0250 Adult Crested Caracara
Ned Harris: _U6A0343 Sheep Protection Dog
Ned Harris: _U6A0344 Sheep Protection Dog
Ned Harris: _U6A0359 Sheep Protection Dog
Ned Harris: _U6A0387 Female American Kestrel
Dancing Snake Nature Photography: _L9A7087 Great Kiskadee ©Dancing Snake Nature Photography
MarjieM777: Tiger swallowtail onto the next flower
MarjieM777: Score! Touchdown or Goal depending on your preferred sport
Ned Harris: _U6A9732 Juvenile Peregrine
Ned Harris: _U6A9780 Juvenile Peregrine
Ned Harris: _U6A9819 Juvenile Peregrine
Ned Harris: _U6A9920 Juvenile Peregrine
Ned Harris: _U6A9974 Juvenile Peregrine
Ned Harris: _U6A0037 Juvenile Peregrine
Ned Harris: _U6A0071 Juvenile Peregrine
Ned Harris: _U6A0082 Juvenile Peregrine
Ned Harris: _U6A0086 Juvenile Peregrine
Ned Harris: _U6A9595 Osprey drying out
Ned Harris: _U6A9646 Osprey
Dancing Snake Nature Photography: _L9A0155 Gila Spotted Whiptail ©Dancing Snake Nature Photography
Ned Harris: _U6A9656 Osprey
calpal2010: Tufted Titmouse Posing
Dancing Snake Nature Photography: _L9A8757 LIFER! Yellow-bellied Sapsucker ©Dancing Snake Nature Photography
MarjieM777: Summer in the garden
MarjieM777: No crop-Sulphur flying through the garden
MarjieM777: Fritillary on echinacea
MarjieM777: Sipping on firecracker