@petra: R.I.P. Pelé
bluehonda0266: shaky burn bsb oulton park 18
bluehonda0266: Buttermere
bluehonda0266: DSC_4435
bluehonda0266: Vicars Close Wells
Emanuel Papamanolis: Flying high
Emanuel Papamanolis: Along the motorway
Emanuel Papamanolis: City buried in fog
Emanuel Papamanolis: Autumn leaves on the pond
delecroix.richard: Souvenirs d'Italie - coucher de soleil sur Florence
StoryWorks by Suzette: Outside my window...
@petra: Rainy "Sale" day
koen_jacobs: the returned
koen_jacobs: the returned
JLCármenes: Palacio de cristal nevado DSC_1027
JLCármenes: Guggem 01
koen_jacobs: the returned
koen_jacobs: the returned
ursulamller900: Set my Heart on Fire
koen_jacobs: Last year's Winter
jamie heiden: I Have Something To Say
jamie heiden: Look On the Sunny Side
koen_jacobs: Man with Dog
ursulamller900: The Sisters of April
Enchanted Loom: DSC_4188Crop
koen_jacobs: Early morning
Andrew James Howe: Queen’s Park Bridge / Chester,Cheshire, UK