evisdotter: New leaves
blichb: Freude
Jasrmcf: Canon 77d 60mm2.8 macro usm
sinetempore: Sul naviglio - On the Naviglio.
Benya Acame: Model. Noelia V.
Benya Acame: Leticia G
Benya Acame: Leticia Granados.
xeniussonar: Amaneceres
Gareth1953 Granddad at last!: Free Sausages - Cardigan Cafe - July 2017
ozagmutt: egenau
Juan Felipe Gómez T: Filandia - Quindio - Colombia.
demosteness: martim-pescador-grande - Megaceryle torquata
Viejito: He’s Just Drawn That Way…
clarkcg photography: The Bar Windows
nauticalnancy: A Curtain of Mist
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Different Kind of Beauty
Maxwell Vann: Melanie
G.. B..: extreme
Re: L.S.P. tokyo: at. chōfu
robinta: Flotsam and Jetsam