Daniel Piraino: Bahamas sunrise
cantilena91: Let It Snow...
cantilena91: Cool Art
cantilena91: A Frosty Peep Into 2024...
cantilena91: Frozen Zen
cantilena91: Silver Light
Dave Heaphy: Cheyenne, 4 month old Masai Giraffe at the Sacramento Zoo
Dave Heaphy: Cooper's Hawk at the Palo Alto airport
Dave Heaphy: I'll be back!
stannan: rodent captured
stannan: PA040518-Edit-2
stannan: P3181394-Edit.jpg
stannan: P3201565.jpg
Carsten Bahnsen: Neuntöter / Red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio)
Carsten Bahnsen: Kranich /common crane (Grus grus),
Carsten Bahnsen: Amsel - blackbird (Turdus merula)
Carsten Bahnsen: Eisvogel / kingfisher(Alcedo atthis)
Carsten Bahnsen: Höckerschwan / mute swan (Cygnus_olor)
Carsten Bahnsen: Dompfaff oder Gimpel / bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula)
Dave Heaphy: California Quail
Dave Heaphy: Spotted Towhee
Dave Heaphy: White-crowned Sparrow
Dave Heaphy: yellow
Dave Heaphy: Black-crowned Night Heron
joshdiscoversidaho: SA109605.jpg
Dave Heaphy: Red-shouldered Hawk
Dave Heaphy: White-tailed Kite
Dave Heaphy: Black -crowned Crane, Sacramento Zoo