pjpink: Bar Soldiers
pjpink: Origin Story
esta_ahi: Cuscuta epithymum
esta_ahi: Cabres a Font-rubí
ophis: common waterweed and water purslane
ophis: common waterweed and curly pondweed
ophis: curly pondweed
ophis: purple loosestrife sprouts on channel-edge bar
Scotty Astro: DSCN1393
Scotty Astro: Dryocampa rubicunda – Rosy Maple Moth
Scotty Astro: Malacosoma disstria – Forest Tent Caterpillar Moth
Scotty Astro: Orchard Orbweaver Leucauge venusta
Scotty Astro: Anomala binotata
Scotty Astro: Hogna lenta
Scotty Astro: DSCN0022
Scotty Astro: DSCN0025
ColorNet.NRC.FotoVideos.: La Luna Enero 2018
esta_ahi: Brotes verdes y líquenes en tronco de almendro
esta_ahi: Los almendros se lanzan a florecer
esta_ahi: Nubes
RainoL: Primula vialii (Primulaceae) (University of Tartu Botanical Gardens, 20170702)
RainoL: Lake Hietanen in a late summer evening (Peranka, Suomussalmi, 20170801)
Bernardo del Palacio: 31/01/2018 - La gran Luna desde León.
Morgentor / Morning Gate: Altenstein - Schloss & Park / Castle & Park
Bonnie Ott: Eggs at Esquinas Rainforest Lodge
Bonnie Ott: Along Gamba Road
Bonnie Ott: Wood Storks over La Gamba Road
RainoL: Tough Viking Helsinki 20170909
ophis: female giant ichneumon