flo73400: Brume et prairie
B℮n: Winter Love with Kanitha in Kazbegi
billoddie3: Jay. Garrulus Glandarius
Jabi Artaraz: Artzain txakurra , artaldea eta egunsentia Saibin EXPLORE#1
B℮n: Winter takes a seat in a folding chair
Tim Melling: Walrus
B℮n: Illuminating faith: the magnificent chandelier of Metekhi church
B℮n: Divine light: the sacred glow of the Virgin Mary and child icon
HM Wildlife: Crab Spider - Thomisus onustus
B℮n: The ancient golden goblet of Georgia, dates back approximately 3,600 years
Tim Melling: Steller's Sea-lions
B℮n: A shoemaker's gentle craftsmanship in Tbilisi
B℮n: Mother of Georgia: the majestic symbol overlooking Tbilisi
Tim Melling: Bald Eagle
Cosper Wosper: Field digger wasp ~ Mellinus arvensis
HM Wildlife: Semipunctated Shield Bug - Graphosoma semipunctatum
B℮n: Kanitha's stroll across the arched stone bridge in the sunlit botanical garden
HM Wildlife: Potter Wasp - Euodynerus variegatus
koen_jacobs: Crossings
Mike J Conley: Eye on the Prize
Mike J Conley: Looking for Lunch
B℮n: Majestic view from Narikala: gazing upon Metekhi Church and Sameba Cathedral
delphinusorca: Slowworm
koen_jacobs: Crossings
billoddie3: Oyster Catcher. Haematopus ostralegus
Cosper Wosper: Flea beetle: Longitarsus sp. - Maybe: Longitarsus pulmonariae ?
Tim Melling: King Eiders
Cosper Wosper: Record shot: Mid instar nymph - Bronze Shieldbug ~ Troilus luridus
B℮n: Lift your eyes in Zion cathedral: a journey to the sacred
delphinusorca: St. Mary's Basilica