oliver.herbold: Don't make me laugh when I'm eating!
Kenny Teo (zoompict): Destination Paris
John Holmes (DAJH51): Youghal strand 13-06-2017
mdiehl829: 20170621-DSC_8790.jpg
mdiehl829: 20160825-DSC_1274-Edit.jpg
jassim madan: DSC_1252
Ozlem Acaroglu(www.ozlemacaroglu.com): loneliness at the Sarajevo..............(II)
Giulio Magnifico: Writing the points before another cards and wine round
Roberta C. (not everyday): Castello di #Ostrojaz. (Bosnia&Erzegovina)
mesanac76: Good morning Belgrade...
Ste A: The Watcher
Ambideraimon: The Ataris, Razzmatazz 3, Barcelona, 14-03-2017_18
Leanne Boulton: The Clenched Fist
picturedevon.co.uk: Memory Tree
Ken Krach Photography: Swallow Falls State Park
rockinmonique: button does not like bokeh
Pan.101: We Need Sunshine_雪山登山口
PeterThoeny: Yodeling in the tube
Maryam Arif: mark out a space for observation
- David Olsson -: Ice, snow and rocks - Skutberget
Leanne Boulton: The Struggle Is Real
Ken Krach Photography: Fire ... eriF
Ken Krach Photography: Warp Speed at Sunset
PeterThoeny: Reflections on turquoise lake
sylvainpoel: watch the light.