SLCheng21: Famous Byodoin (平等院) night image, Uji.
Quim Granell: (7831) Nature
Chris Chafer: Spotted Kingfisher (Actenoides lindsayi moseleyi)
soferlie: Andalousie 2017 - Casarès 056
Teone!: Incrociamo il becco
Alex Födor: Merry Christmas!...
Konstantin's Europe and more Thx4˃3MMviews: Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain
marko.erman: The rock with the red ribbon
b.four: à Valberg
Laval Roy: 1.30071 Cardinal à tête jaune / Pheucticus chrysogaster chrysogaster / Golden-bellied Grosbeak / Picogrueso Ventrioro
markbanks865: Splash Art 4 A
dave_telford: White-crowned Sparrow 1st winter Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve
khalid almasoud: Morning Shine
Richard Collier - Wildlife and Travel Photography: Crow - Corvus corone 221224 (4)
Pat's Pics36: Attention!
Laval Roy: 1.02273 Élanion perle (magnus) / Gampsonyx swainsonii magnus / Pearl Kite (magnus) / Elanio Perla
César Del Cid: Dinant, ciudad natal del inventor del saxofón
niallfritz: Early Winter
HWHawerkamp: Palace II
V A N D E E: Glass Façade
V A N D E E: Party Impressions
Richard Collier - Wildlife and Travel Photography: Robin - Erithacus rubecula 221224 (1)
Monsare: IMG_1044_2024.JPG
Wolfgang Schrade: Schau mir in die Augen, Kleines!
Chris Chafer: Eurasian Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus)