joshua alan davis: Work Space
AnEyeForTexas: Adiantum capillus-veneris (Venus Maidenhair Fern)
slworking2: Ocotillo
lars hammar: Ocotillo
sdkarlson: Ocotillo
Franco Folini: European honeybee (Apis mellifera)
object...: Crow
☼zlady: Curious Crow
JoyPog: Off!
Martin Cathrae: Flight
FortGirl: YVR Crow
jessicafm: Crow takes flight
goingslo: Crow
Lucina M: Crow
kamienok: landing
Bellevue Fine Art Repro (Scott): Skagit geese and swans-2
2thegalapagos: barred owl seward park
chrisbird: zebra finch flight
Ameza.: Blaka
Andy von der Wurm: Zebra Finch, Female
luz rovira: L1050536 Look at my feathers
Richard Wintle: Zebra Finch, leaving
Lip Kee: Australian zebra finch / Chestnut-eared Finch (Taeniopygia castanotis)
Raymond Parsons: House Finch
cbellh47: Raccoon Night Visitor
Catsbow: Thanks for the kibble