Lennixx Nature Photography: I hear it's #australianpollinatorweek week! So here's a small but diverse collection of native flower visitors! Excluding any honey bees or butterflies! Edit: I should have put a native bee, forgot! #pollinators #nativepollination #australianpollinatorwee
Lennixx Nature Photography: A peacock spider! Isn't he cute 😍 #peacockspider #spiders #westernaustralia #cute #Perth #australianspiders 1
Lennixx Nature Photography: Billardiera vine, Mundaring #lennixnature #Billardiera
Lennixx Nature Photography: Bobtail Lizard! Tiliqua rugosa Spotted a ginger lizard near Mundaring on the way to Chidlow. #lennixnature #Bobtail #bluetoungelizard #Tiliqua #Tiliquarugosa #Scincidae #wanativeanimals #westernaustralian #perth #nature #lizards #unusual #orange
Lennixx Nature Photography: #lennixnature #mundaring #nature #bones #witchyvibes #treestump #australia #westernaustralia
Lennixx Nature Photography: Grass Trees... old... browsing through some old stuff. Mostly I just take photos, upload them into LR and then never look at them again. #xanthorrhoea #preisii #grasstrees #australia #perth #perthhills #lennixnature #bush #australiannativeplants
Lennixx Nature Photography: Donkey Orchid in Kalamunda. Rocky Outcrop. #DonkeyOrchids #diuris #WAwildflowers #perthWA #wildlowers #orchids #wildorchids #yellowflowers #nature #plants #lennixnature
Lennixx Nature Photography: Kingia australis (kingea) These have actually NO relation to grasstrees (Xanthorrhoea) at all. They are in a seperate order of plants. How does that even make sense? #lennixnature #dasypogonfans #dasypogonaceae #kingiaaustralis #kingia #grasstree #flowers
Lennixx Nature Photography: Cute bug alert!! 🐝 Looks like a Braconid Wasp (Callibracon sp). Braconid wasps are parasitic and lay their eggs in other little insects... the host is paralysed and provides the wasp larvae with a meal when they hatch. Nice. #bug #wasp #oviposito
Lennixx Nature Photography: Scroll to see the freaky looking one with an extra petal. Stylidium flowers in Ellis Brook Valley this week. #lennixnature #triggerplants #stylidium #ellisbrookvalley #gosnells #pinkflowers #wildflowers #perthwildflowers
Lennixx Nature Photography: Styphelia epacridis / syn. Astroloma epacridis Common heath plant in the Ericaceae family (Heath). Apparently it is reclassified as a Styphelia now, previously Astroloma! I don't know why I like heath plants so much, all the cool kids are out there photog
Lennixx Nature Photography: Autumn Daisies, Olearia paucidentata. Probably not that interesting, I just wanted something to post. A little native daisy bush. #lennixnature #Oleariapaucidentata #Olearia #daisy #wildflowers #lennixnature #flowers
Lennixx Nature Photography: Did you know, this famous Perth date spot, Zig Zag Scenic Drive in Gooseberry hill, is re-opening to through traffic next week! :) The Zig Zag Scenic Drive is a one way drive weaving down the face of the hill in Beelu National Park with spectacular views
Lennixx Nature Photography: Candle Cranberry Flower
Lennixx Nature Photography: Brown and yellow peas
Lennixx Nature Photography: Darwinia citriodora (Lemon scented Darwinia)
Lennixx Nature Photography: Conostylis fluff
Lennixx Nature Photography: Native Fuchsia (Grevillea wilsonii)
Lennixx Nature Photography: Bookleaf trigger flower
Lennixx Nature Photography: Spectacular blue sun orchids
Lennixx Nature Photography: Spectacular blue sun orchids
Lennixx Nature Photography: Stylidium scariosum
Lennixx Nature Photography: White spider orchid
Lennixx Nature Photography: White spider orchid