Jo Evans - off and on for a while: Sunstar through the window - HWW!
Jo Evans - off and on for a while: Definitely not a Cornish pasty!
dale 1: Badger
dale 1: Portpatrick harbour
dale 1: Killantringan lighthouse
Leon.vanKemenade: Mathers Whale Oil
Leon.vanKemenade: Family of Three
Leon.vanKemenade: A Wild Day on the Beach
Leon.vanKemenade: Light on a dark day
judy dean: Sky Flowers
grahamaddison240: East Sooke Regional Park
sandrorotonaria: nightmare
Damian_Ward: Two Grasses
ej foto: 2. Oktober morgens
Dom Haughton: A Hint of Autumn
Sophie Turlur-Chabanon - Photos: Pie bleue ibérique
ej foto: Brückentag
Naska Photographie: Pleine Extase
Mariano Belmar Torrecilla: Dias de playa 2011
micke.vmix: Gentle Waves
gerainte1: Down It Comes
Wrinkledpeach: Just because......
judy dean: Hydrangea Flowers Drying
Peter Quinn1: Black Darter Sunset Beautiful but deadly...
Wrinkledpeach: Creating new Borders
ej foto: Verdeckt
gerainte1: A Thin Place
David Haughton: Nuns Cross Farm