Ontario Birder:
Yellow Warbler nest!
Chocolate Trifle
Eastman Theatre
Miguel de la Bastide:
Northern Parula II
Miguel de la Bastide:
Northern Parula I
Ontario Birder:
Short-billed Dowitcher
Ontario Birder:
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Ontario Birder:
Black-throated Green Warbler
Miguel de la Bastide:
Black-and-white Warbler
Mars Observer ♂:
Shattered - Self Portrait
Mars Observer ♂:
Shatttered - Woman In A Black Dress
TNPhotography - Personal Account:
restoring my Grandma's picture today.
Small Creatures:
The front porch crowd
Ontario Birder:
Great Black-backed Gull
Jess Mathews:
Tensas Parish Black Bear
Small Creatures:
Nikon measuring microscope lenses
Jonathan Sippel:
Hyena's Fighting
Ontario Birder:
Blue Jay
Jess Mathews:
The Watchman
Jess Mathews:
Pie-billed Grebe
Jess Mathews: