Miguel de la Bastide: Another Wilson's Snipe
Miguel de la Bastide: Sitting On A Rock - Savannah Sparrow
Miguel de la Bastide: Caught In The Act - Eastern Meadowlark
Miguel de la Bastide: Pileated Woodpecker V
Miguel de la Bastide: Pileated Woodpecker IV
Miguel de la Bastide: Pileated Woodpecker III
Miguel de la Bastide: Pileated Woodpecker II
Miguel de la Bastide: Pileated Woodpecker I
Miguel de la Bastide: Harlequin Duck I
Miguel de la Bastide: Harlequin Duck II
Miguel de la Bastide: Takes Two To Tango
Miguel de la Bastide: Ring-billed Gull - 1st Winter
Miguel de la Bastide: Red-necked Grebe
Miguel de la Bastide: Lil' Cutie - Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Miguel de la Bastide: Red-bellied Woodpecker
Miguel de la Bastide: Eastern Towhee I
Miguel de la Bastide: Eastern Towhee II
Miguel de la Bastide: Blue-winged Warbler I
Miguel de la Bastide: Blue-winged Warbler II
Miguel de la Bastide: Spotted Sandpiper
Miguel de la Bastide: No Leaves To Hide Behind
Miguel de la Bastide: Slightly Older