PeterThoeny: Moment of joy and transcendence
PeterThoeny: A Scottish moment at the California coast
PeterThoeny: Ready for the Chinese feast
PeterThoeny: A dachshund and a stag
annemcgr: Saltee Puffin
PeterThoeny: Mystery tracks on the playa
PeterThoeny: Touring the Swiss Alps
PeterThoeny: Inception, regular and inverted
Jarek S. "Jerry": Goosanders
Fabian Fortmann: Silent Evening
PeterThoeny: The smell of glacier water
PeterThoeny: Perception is not reality
Nur Ismail Photography: Red-bearded bee-eater
PeterThoeny: Two ladies, and a man on crutches
PeterThoeny: Comet C/2020 F3 NEOWISE over Mt. Hamilton [Explore 2020-07-17 #19]
gordon_chew88: Full rainbow over the mainland of Penang
Nur Ismail Photography: Black-and-yellow broadbill
@RobCollins: Early morning
阿斌 not perfect: DSC_0069-1
PeterThoeny: Too cold for angels to fly
PeterThoeny: Across the salt pond
Nur Ismail Photography: Masjid Sultan Salahudin Abdul Aziz Shah (Blue Mosque), Shah Alam, Malaysia. January 2019.
gordon_chew88: 与世隔绝。
PeterThoeny: I feel the chill of autumn
PeterThoeny: Who would like to join?
Taiwan-Awei: 蠟蟬若蟲
gordon_chew88: The torch.
gordon_chew88: 乔治 ’式‘ 太阳蛋。