Ron Buening: An Angry Glare
syf22: Intricate
phil1496 (PdF): DSC_60590- 88 -Chris & son Nikon Z8 !
ferniecanojr: Nikon Z8
Eros Penatti: Faccia da Airone
Eros Penatti: Airone Cenerino
Shane Jones: Evening robin
richardbower62: Atlantic Puffin
ptit fauve: Hiboux des Marais
GBrister: hair
Rob & Amy Lavoie: Tuffed titmouse R1
Rob & Amy Lavoie: Bluejay taking off R1-2
Bay State Paul: Six-banded Armadillo
LDLS17: Autumn colors
Gustavo Thomas: Stained glass windows of Prague Cathedral (Prague, Czechia. Gustavo Thomas © 2024)
g_heyde: The Dubai Fountains
g_heyde: Group of Mushrooms
sswee38823: F1010476
Louise Denton: Patterns_0460
philonomad: DSCF0328
philonomad: PhotoPatrickKopp Fujifilm.
БildeЯ/MacheЯ: Stralsund: Tiefseh
Baio80: 20240816-A7C00006
danielnotnow1: Enjoying Sunsets: Some discuss, some dance…
danielnotnow1: Dramatic stance
Ronny Olsson: OM Digital Solutions OM-1 + OLYMPUS M.150-400mm F4.5
Of Light & Lenses: November Rose