Nynature21: Pine warbler making a rare appearance in January. It’s always fun seeing something different in the winter months.
barbmerrill2: Eastern Phoebe
FDR Photography: The Hunchback of Duxbury Beach
Chuck Hantis: Short-eared Owls
erikbogh: Iceland Gull, 2014-Jan-12, Gloucester, MA
FDR Photography: Incoming!
KahunaKen: Short-eared owl levitating with its eye on a meal
FDR Photography: Short-Eared Owl
QuantDracula: Kung-Fu Owl
Chuck Hantis: Red-tailed Hawk
FDR Photography: Merry Christmas!!!
debrapowers: Christmas Eve Barred Owl Dec 24 2024 #1
FDR Photography: Mrs. Snowy feels the same way about having to work next week.
Steve Arena: Blue-winged Teal (Spatula discors)
FDR Photography: Scissor-tailed flycatcher
FDR Photography: Yellow throated warbler
Jim Sparrell: Yellow-billed Cuckoo
FDR Photography: Nelson’s Sparrow
FDR Photography: Nelson’s Sparrow
Steve Mirick: White-eyed Vireo
FDR Photography: White eyed vireo
Jim Sparrell: White-eyed Vireo
tjohn611: Conservation Land, E. Harwich, MA
Jim Sparrell: Little Gull juvenile
Daniel Q Huang: Green Heron walking on the Lily Pad
www.jessfindlay.com: Northern Saw-whet Owl
FDR Photography: Atlantic Puffin
h.redpoll: white-facedstorm-petrel-43120
FDR Photography: Whimbrel
debrapowers: Pelagic Bird Tour NH Audubon Sept 3 2024 Black Guillemont