Photographies (Val d'Oise):
Lasiommata megera papillon brun
Geoff Main:
Danger above /2
Mother's Rays DSC_3700
Baltimore oriole - Oriole de Baltimore - Icterus galbula
Feelin' it DSC_7307
Roland Bogush:
At the salt lick - 27 Small White butterflies
Rod Burgess:
A big tide
Ian Sempowski Wildlife and Landscape Photography:
Ducklings on the move...
Blue-tailed damselfly - Ischnura elegans (mating pair)
Rod Burgess:
A country road
Deborah Freeman:
We all know what is going on here, but it was very cool to watch the eagle fly buy with the fish in its beak and another tucked in it's talons , (that mid day sun was very bright)...but the crow saw the benefits in bulk buying, it will be Costco..
Double escorts
Having a spat
Rod Burgess:
A fortunate gap
Roland Bogush:
Red-eyed Damselfly - very recently emerged
The Last Hoorah
Earl Reinink:
Eastern Bluebird (male)