Buddy Patrick: Afghan Falls (Kalkadoon Country, Outback Australia)
Jose Romeu: Stellenbosch. Cape Town. South Africa.
Jose Romeu: Stellenbosch. Cape Town. South Africa.
Jose Romeu: Woodstock. Cape Town. South Africa.
Barbara * busy bee: Mr and Mrs Mallard taking a walk!
Buddy Patrick: The Centre Of Queensland (Muttaburra, Australia)
Buddy Patrick: Ghost Gum (Goa Country, Central West Queensland)
koen_jacobs: Sunday afternoon
Fear_Through_The_Eyes: Supermoon rising over Wellington Point
Fear_Through_The_Eyes: Cathedral Cove
Big Brisbane Boy: Australia - 2019 fires - Johns River mid North Coast of New South Wales
Big Brisbane Boy: Australia - 2019 fires - Queensland Fire and Emergency services
Buddy Patrick: The Aramac Cemetery (Aramac, Central West Queensland)
Barbara * busy bee: Beautiful Wild Flowers in Andernach
Michiel2005: Rimini 2019 – Domus del chirurgo – Graves
Michiel2005: Rimini 2019 – Domus del chirurgo – Graves
Mr Magoo ICU: IMG_9516
Andre Farrugia: 296B9196a Ahu Tahal
J Explores: Poor Country
Barbara * busy bee: Super Sidmouth!!
Barbara * busy bee: A delightful thatched cottage in Sidmouth :-)))
J Explores: Love Tunnel
Andre Farrugia: IMG_2194
Buddy Patrick: The Old Longreach Cemetery (Central West Queensland, Australia)
Buddy Patrick: Iningai Keeping Place (Longreach Cemetery, Central West Queensland)
Buddy Patrick: Centenery Of Federation Thomson River Bridge - - West View (Longreach, Queensland)
Barbara * busy bee: Colourful Chameleon!!
J Explores: Lady In Gold
Barbara * busy bee: It was certainly worth the long walk to reach Durdle Door
gecko47: Meerkat