gecko47: Parenthood
gecko47: Mother and Child
gecko47: YES! I did drop another sky in.
gecko47: Hmmm!
gecko47: A: Not ugly B: Not a duckling
gecko47: Workers Of the World
gecko47: Table For Two
gecko47: Geronimo!!
gecko47: The Minimalist
gecko47: Lean Lynx Spider
gecko47: Getting Scientific
gecko47: Sooty Oystercatcher
gecko47: In My Garden
gecko47: Brisbane Dusk
gecko47: Fiery Skimmer
gecko47: Australian Tiger Dragonfly
gecko47: Orange Threadtail Damselfly
gecko47: Like a Little Jail
gecko47: Young, Female, Red-backed Fairy-wren
gecko47: Mmmm! ... Cicada!
gecko47: Spangled Drongo
gecko47: Mr Curly's Caterpillar
gecko47: Working Hard For a Feed
gecko47: "Dang It!" "Think I Dropped a Stitch!"
gecko47: Great Crested Grebes
gecko47: Red-rumped Parrot Pair
gecko47: The View From Behind the Wheel
gecko47: Diamond Dove
gecko47: You Pākehās! I was sleeping!
gecko47: Pāpango - New Zealand Scaup