Megan Lorenz: Hanging Out
sallywagnerhale: Juvenile Ibis
trevorjphotography: Melbourne CBD and Yarra at dusk
Rolf Dietrich Brecher: Unbekannter Käfer
andredekesel: Eutolmus rufibarbis - Roodbaardroofvlieg (2)
aagogol: Who's there?
Prajzner: Spatula querquedula
creditflats: _2251107_Cuba vulture
creditflats: Tobacco horse morning
creditflats: Sunrise Mushroom
aagogol: DSC03400 1
christian.corsano: Las Teresitas
pedro lastra: Sabbath Hummingbird. White Necked Jacobin Hummingbird in flight dancing in the air, Trinidad.
Maxim Maximov: Portrait
Emma Varley: arsenic and old lace
Egg Jeffrey: DJI_0589
bojsha1965: HMC Capri 0775
The Owl Man: Coming In For a Landing (Long-Tailed Duck)
Markus Jäggi: Sonnenschein in den Schweizer Alpen
Markus Jäggi: Milchstrasse, südliches Ende
Markus Jäggi: Bergahorn / Sycamore maple
Markus Jäggi: Reiherente
Markus Jäggi: Kohlmeise
Markus Jäggi: Graureiher
Markus Jäggi: Rotkehlchen
Markus Jäggi: Kooiker in action II
Markus Jäggi: Kooiker in action I
AncasterZ: The waves, the clouds, the ice, the sunrise and the beauty of Hamilton Beach
christian.corsano: At the helm