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albums of CIP International Potato Center - Sub Saharan Afri
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GROWING Project Nutrition Module 4 Training Aug 2023 - Boku, East Mamprusi
GROWING Project Review Meetings - 2023
CGIAR Board Visit, Nairobi Kenya-2022
CIP Board of Trustees visit to Kenya, 2022
SweetGAINS Meeting- Nairobi 2022
Growing Stakeholder Consultation Workshop 1-4 August 2022, Tamale,Ghana.
Tsungano Market visit- APA 2022
Bvumbwe Field Visit
APA 2022 Conference Dinner
African Potato Association (APA) Malawi 2022
Cameroon Delegation learning visit to Kenya
Tree planting in honor of the late Dr. Barbara Wells
SPHI 2009-2020
OFSP processing, Esomchi Foundation, Nigeria
OFSP processing- Farmorganics, Abuja, Nigeria
OFSP farming- Nasarawa, Nigeria
OFSP Products- Jov Cakes and Events, Nigeria
OFSP farm, processing factory- Lilongwe, Malawi
OFSP Processing-Olympic bakery, Blantrye, Malawi
OFSP in Malawi- TAAT program
SweetGAINS, Tanzania
Rooted apical cuttings- Meru, Kenya
Scaling up biofortified sweetpotato in partnership with WFP in Kenya - June 2021
Orange is the new red: Valentines Day Special 2020
OFSP Puree Technology Demonstration Workshop- Nairobi 2019
Food safety - CIP
Food and Nutritional Evaluation Laboratory (FANEL)
Training in apical cuttings production
Bio-innovate Africa
OFSP Puree Scaling Launch in Kenya, Malawi and Uganda
Potato apical cuttings
Tehilah Bakery and Value Addition Center
Potato harvest day
International Women's Day 2019
Potato Trials in Rwanda
PIM-RTB Experimental Auction Workshop
COP 24 side event: Next generation technologies to tackle climate change
SUSTAIN Gender Workshop- November, 2018.
VISTA November 2018
Participatory Varietal Selection of Potato Clones: Holetta, Ethiopia
Malawi: Potato Work funded by Irish Aid
Malawi: Orange-fleshed sweetpotato work funded by Irish Aid
9TH Annual Sweetpotato for Profit and Health Initiative 2018, DAY 3
9TH Annual Sweetpotato for Profit and Health Initiative 2018, DAY 2
9th Annual Sweetpotato for Profit and Health Initiative 2018, DAY 1
Science week, 1-5 October 2018 - Nairobi, Kenya
CIP Regional Director(SSA) Introductory meeting
Malawi: Potato harvesting
Malawi: Vine Distribution
Malawi: Bvumbwe Research Station
AVCD Potato Meru
Biotech potato trials in Uganda
Sweetpotato crossing block- Eastern Africa
Field visit - Decentralized Seed Multiplier, Kitgum, Uganda
AVCD National Conference.
AVCD - OFSP Western Kenya
RWANDA: Good Nutrition & Innovative Urban Farming Campaign
Feed the Future Kenya Accelerated Value Chain Development Programme-Potato work in the North Rift Kenya, December 2017.
FANEL December 2017
COP 23 Official side event - land and water management under climate change
Potato rooted cuttings
M.S Swaminathan Award for Environmental Protection - 2017
OFSP Recipes - AVCD Kenya
Orange-fleshed sweetpotato in school meals to improve nutrition, generate income in Nigeria
SpeedBreeders and Genomics CoP visit Rubona Research Station, Rwanda - May 2017
SpeedBreeders and Genomics CoP Meeting: May 2017, Kigali, Rwanda
Training of bakers from Naivas Supermarket Chain - Nairobi, Kenya
2017 Marketing, Processing and Utilization CoP Meeting - Kisumu, Kenya
Nutritious Sweetpotato for Niassa Project Supports Nutrition Education
Conservation of Vines in Net Tunnels in Niassa - Mozambique (September, 2016)
Jumpstarting OFSP through diversified markets in West Africa: Ghana
Orange-Fleshed Sweetpotato Culinary Event at ILRI
Yield evaluation trial of transgenic and non-transgenic potato varieties.
Policymakers visit to non-transgenic potato sites in Uganda
2016 End of Year Celebrations and Team Building
2016 Sweetpotato for Profit and Health Initiative (SPHI) Meeting: October 2016, Addis Ababa
SPHI Sweetpotato Seed Systems CoP Meeting - Nairobi, December 2016
RTB-ENDURE end of project workshop
AVCD - CIP Farm Input Promotions (FIPs)-Africa Activities, Meru County
AVCD: Seed potato in North Rift
Mozambique: Sweetpotato during drought
CIP at 2016 African Potato Association Meeting - Addis Ababa
45th anniversary celebrations, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Dr Jan Low, Sweetpotato Scientist & World Food Prize Laureate 2016
Dr Maria Andrade, Sweetpotato Breeder & 2016 World Food Prize Laureate
Dr Robert Mwanga, Sweetpotato Breeder & World Food Prize Laureate 2016
World Food Prize celebrations in Nairobi, Kenya
Potato Training for IP members of Kadahenda, Rwanda.
African Agricultural Science Week in Kigali, Rwanda 2016 #AASW7
BNFB Project
Celebrating 45 years of CIP in sub-Saharan Africa #CIP45
Unmanned aerial vehicle agricultural remote sensing information system for smallholder applications
Orange fleshed sweetpotato nutrition outreach with Zizilie in the outskirts of Maputo, Mozambique
SUSTAIN Annual Planning Meeting 2016 Field Trip - Maputo, Mozambique
UAV's used in Agricultural Programs, sub-Saharan Africa (Credit: E. Cheruiyot/CIP)
Banana farmers & planting material preparation - Uganda
Banana farmers & planting material preparation - Uganda
Banana farmers & planting material preparation - Uganda
Banana farmers & planting material preparation - Uganda
Female Banana Exporter - Uganda
Female Banana Exporter - Uganda
Female Banana Exporter - Uganda
Female Banana Exporter - Uganda
RTB Crops being sold at roadside market - Kampala, Uganda
Cassava Lab - Uganda
Cassava Farmers Association - Uganda
Cassava Farmers Association - Uganda
Cassava Farmers Association - Uganda
Cassava Farmers Association - Uganda
Cassava Traders at Marketplace - Uganda
UAV's used in Agricultural Programs, sub-Saharan Africa - Tanzania Project Photos
Cooking & Selling Potato at Market, RTB Endure - Mbale, Uganda
Potato Dealers Association & Traders at Market, RTB Endure - Mbale, Uganda
Potato Traders at Market, RTB Endure - Mbale, Uganda
Ambient Potato Store Launch, RTB Endure - Mbale, Uganda
Sweetpotato Silage Production, RTB Endure - Uganda
Sweetpotato Silage Production, RTB Endure - Uganda
CIP Christmas Celebrations - Nairobi, Kenya
Presentation of sweetpotato value chain to BMZ Delegation - Nairobi, Kenya
ISAAA Science Communications Training in Uganda Ghent University
Scaling up Sweetpotato through Agriculture and Nutrition (SUSTAIN) Kenya - Organi Ltd Processor
Scaling up Sweetpotato through Agriculture and Nutrition (SUSTAIN) Kenya - Organi Ltd Processor
Scaling up Sweetpotato through Agriculture and Nutrition (SUSTAIN) Kenya - Organi Ltd Processor
Scaling up Sweetpotato through Agriculture and Nutrition (SUSTAIN) Kenya - Organi Ltd Processor
Scaling up Sweetpotato through Agriculture and Nutrition (SUSTAIN) Kenya - OFSP Farmer
Scaling up Sweetpotato through Agriculture and Nutrition (SUSTAIN) Kenya - OFSP Decentralised Vine Multipliers
Scaling up Sweetpotato through Agriculture and Nutrition (SUSTAIN) Kenya - OFSP Decentralised Vine Multipliers
Scaling up Sweetpotato through Agriculture and Nutrition (SUSTAIN) Kenya - Mothers 2 Mothers
Scaling up Sweetpotato through Agriculture and Nutrition (SUSTAIN) Kenya - Mothers 2 Mothers
Scaling up Sweetpotato through Agriculture and Nutrition (SUSTAIN) Kenya - Health Clinic
Scaling up Sweetpotato through Agriculture and Nutrition (SUSTAIN) Kenya - Beneficiaries
Food & Nutritional Evaluation Laboratory
Food & Nutritional Evaluation Laboratory
Potato Harvesting in Kenya 2015
Orange Fleshed Sweetpotato Asheda Celebrations - Ethiopia
2015 Beijing World Potato Congress China
Sweetpotato in Uganda
CIP & KEPHIS at the Agro Dealer Forum - Nairobi, Kenya
CIP & KEPHIS at the Agro Dealer Forum - Nairobi, Kenya
I Love Sweetpotato Exhibition at the 6th Annual Sweetpotato for Profit & Health Initiative 2015
I Love Sweetpotato Exhibition at the 6th Annual Sweetpotato for Profit & Health Initiative 2015
I Love Sweetpotato Exhibition at the 6th Annual Sweetpotato for Profit & Health Initiative 2015
I Love Sweetpotato Exhibition at the 6th Annual Sweetpotato for Profit & Health Initiative 2015
I Love Sweetpotato Exhibition at the 6th Annual Sweetpotato for Profit & Health Initiative 2015
Entertainment at the 6th Annual Sweetpotato for Profit & Health Initiative 2015
6th Annual Sweetpotato for Profit & Health Initiative 2015
Poster Competition - 6th Annual Sweetpotato for Profit & Health Initiative 2015
Sweetpotato Knowledge Portal Training - 6th Annual Sweetpotato for Profit & Health Initiative 2015
Group Photo 6th Annual Sweetpotato for Profit & Health Initiative - Kigali, Rwanda
CIP Nairobi Birthday Celebrations
CIP Finance Training for new regional staff
Scaling up sweetpotato through agriculture and nutrition in Mozambique
CIP Finance Training 13-17 July 2015
SASHA PMT Meeting July 7-8 Nairobi, Kenya
Bacterial Wilt Diagnosis and Positive Selection Training in Limuru, Kenya 2015 - Bruce Ochieng, CIP
14th Annual Sweetpotato Speed Breeders Meeting - June 1-5 2015: Mukono, Uganda (Credits: C.Bukania/CIP)
Tuskys Supermarket launches OFSP range of baked goods
CIP Malawi Office Inauguration 2015
CIP Board of Trustees Field Trip to Dedza, Malawi
CIP Board of Trustees in Malawi
Scaling up Sweetpotato through Agriculture and Nutrition (SUSTAIN) Malawi - OFSP Harvesting and Vine Distribution - Album 4
Scaling up Sweetpotato through Agriculture and Nutrition (SUSTAIN) Malawi - OFSP Harvesting and Vine Distribution - Album 3
Scaling up Sweetpotato through Agriculture and Nutrition (SUSTAIN) Malawi - OFSP Harvesting and Vine Distribution - Album 2 (S. Quinn/CIP)
Scaling up Sweetpotato through Agriculture and Nutrition (SUSTAIN) Malawi - OFSP Harvesting and Vine Distribution - Album 1 (S. Quinn/CIP)
Scaling up Sweetpotato through Agriculture & Nutrition (SUSTAIN) Malawi. Harvesting, Cooking, Tasting and Interviews - Album 3 (S. Quinn/CIP)
Scaling up Sweetpotato through Agriculture & Nutrition (SUSTAIN) Malawi. Harvesting, Cooking, Tasting and Interviews - Album 2 (S. Quinn/CIP)
Scaling up Sweetpotato through Agriculture & Nutrition (SUSTAIN) Malawi. Harvesting, Cooking, Tasting and Interviews - Album 1 (S. Quinn/CIP)
Markets, Processing and Utilization Community of Practice Platform: Nairobi, 20-21 May 2015 (C. Bukania/CIP)
SPHI Sweetpotato Seed Systems COP - Kigali, Rwanda (C. Bukania/CIP)
CSPro Regional Training in Nairobi (C. Bukania/CIP)
Feed The Future Malawi Improved Seed Systems & Technologies - April 19 Showcase (D. Matiya/CIP)
Drocella Yankulije - OFSP Farmer & Supplier, Rwanda (S.Quinn/CIP)
Drocella Yankulije is an OFSP Farmer and Supplier in Rwanda (S.Quinn/CIP)
KOTEMU OFSP Farming Group - Rwanda (S.Quinn/CIP)
OFSP Processed Products - Akarabo OFSP Biscuits (S.Quinn/CIP)
Marie Claire Mukakimenyi OFSP Farmer, Vine Multiplier and Root Supplier in Rwanda (S.Quinn/CIP)
OFSP Mandazi with Indyo Inoze Cooperative (Album 2). Credit: S. Quinn, CIP
OFSP Mandazi with Indyo Inoze Cooperative (S.Quinn/CIP)
VISTA Mozambique Launch in Nampula (March 17, 2015)
Kofi & Nane Annan meet with CIP in Kumasi, Ghana to discuss the potential of OFSP
CIP Nairobi Christmas Celebrations (December, 2014)
SUSTAIN APM Field Trip, Rwanda (S.Quinn/CIP)
Indyo Inoze Cooperative, Rwanda OFSP Processing & Products (S.Quinn/CIP)
SUSTAIN Annual Planning Meeting & SUSTAIN Rwanda Launch - March 9 - 13 (Kigali, Rwanda) (S.Quinn/CIP)
Testing the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) (S.Quinn/CIP)
CGIAR at FARA@15 in Johannesburg, South Africa (S.Quinn/CIP)
CGIAR at FARA@15 in Johannesburg, South Africa (S.Quinn/CIP)
CGIAR at FARA@15 in Johannesburg, South Africa (S.Quinn/CIP)
Visiting Mama SASHA Participants, Western Kenya (S.Quinn/CIP)
Sammy Emukule - DVM/Mama SASHA in Western Kenya (S.Quinn/CIP)
Sammy Emukule - DVM/Mama SASHA in Western Kenya (S.Quinn/CIP)
Elizabeth Mukasa, Decentralized Vine Multiplier & Mama SASHA Participant. Sinoko, Western Kenya (S.Quinn/CIP)
Elizabeth Mukasa, Decentralized Vine Multiplier & Mama SASHA Participant. Sinoko, Western Kenya (S.Quinn/CIP)
Elizabeth Mukasa, Decentralized Vine Multiplier & Mama SASHA Participant. Sinoko, Western Kenya (S.Quinn/CIP)
Elizabeth Mukasa, DVM/Mama SASHA (S.Quinn/CIP)
CIP & Tusky's discuss OFSP (S.Quinn/CIP)
CIP UAV-RS Project - Workshop ILRI Campus 7 Oct 2014 (S.Quinn/CIP)
Consumer Surveys of OFSP Cookies, Bread and Queencakes at Tusky's Supermarket (S.Quinn/CIP)
Consumer Surveys of OFSP Cookies, Bread and Queencakes at Tusky's Supermarket (S.Quinn/CIP)
Consumer Surveys of OFSP Cookies, Bread & Queencakes at Tusky's Supermarket September 2014 (S.Quinn/CIP)
Consumer Surveys of OFSP Cookies, Bread & Queencakes at Tusky's Supermarket September 2014 (S.Quinn/CIP)
SPHI ESC visits ILRI Campus & BecA-ILRI Lab (S.Quinn/CIP)
SPHI 2014 Entries 'Through the lens of a camera' Photo Competition
SPHI 2014 'Through the lens of a camera' Photo Competition
Official Launch & Speeches at the 5th Annual SPHI Technical & Steering Committee Meeting 2014 (Credit: S. Quinn, CIP)
Innovative Ingredient Solutions OFSP Products on Display at SPHI 2014 (Credit: S. Quinn, CIP)
Orange Fleshed Sweetpotato on display at the SPHI Exhibition (Credit: S. Quinn)
Orange Fleshed Sweetpotato on display at the SPHI Exhibition (Credit: S. Quinn)
Orange Fleshed Sweetpotato on display at the SPHI Exhibition (Credit: S. Quinn)
Orange Fleshed Sweetpotato on display at the SPHI Exhibition (Credit: S. Quinn)
Orange Fleshed Sweetpotato on display at the SPHI Exhibition (Credit: S. Quinn)
Orange Fleshed Sweetpotato on display at the SPHI Exhibition (Credit: S. Quinn)
Orange Fleshed Sweetpotato on display at the SPHI Exhibition (Credit: S. Quinn)
Orange Fleshed Sweetpotato on display at the SPHI Exhibition (Credit: S. Quinn)
Orange Fleshed Sweetpotato on display at the SPHI Exhibition (Credit: S. Quinn)
Orange Fleshed Sweetpotato on display at the SPHI Exhibition (Credit: S. Quinn)
Orange Fleshed Sweetpotato on display at the SPHI Exhibition (Credit: S. Quinn)
SPHI 2014 Exhibition Set Up
SPHI 2014 In Conversation
SPHI 2014 Attendees & ESC Photos
SPHI 2014 Meetings & Presentations
SPHI 2014 Venue & Set Up
Site 3 (Farmer Profiles - Album ) 2Improving potato yields for farmers in the Usambara Highlands in Lushoto, Tanzania Credit: Sara Quinn, Communications Specialist, CIP
Site 3 (Voting & Evaluation) Improving potato yields for farmers in the Usambara Highlands in Lushoto, Tanzania Credit: Sara Quinn, Communications Specialist, CIP
Site 3 (Farmer Profiles) Improving potato yields for farmers in the Usambara Highlands in Lushoto, Tanzania Credit: Sara Quinn, Communications Specialist, CIP
Site 3 (Group Shot) Improving potato yields for farmers in the Usambara Highlands in Lushoto, Tanzania Credit: Sara Quinn, Communications Specialist, CIP
Site 3 (Harvesting the Fields) Improving potato yields for farmers in the Usambara Highlands in Lushoto, Tanzania Credit: Sara Quinn, Communications Specialist, CIP
Site 2 (Diffused Light Store) Improving potato yields for farmers in the Usambara Highlands in Lushoto, Tanzania Credit: Sara Quinn, Communications Specialist, CIP
Site 2 (Sorting & Packing) Improving potato yields for farmers in the Usambara Highlands in Lushoto, Tanzania Credit: Sara Quinn, Communications Specialist, CIP
Site 2 (Farmer Profiles Album 2) Improving potato yields for farmers in the Usambara Highlands in Lushoto, Tanzania Credit: Sara Quinn, Communications Specialist, CIP
Site 2 (Farmer Portraits) Improving potato yields for farmers in the Usambara Highlands in Lushoto, Tanzania Credit: Sara Quinn, Communications Specialist, CIP
Site 2 (Voting & Evaluation) Improving potato yields for farmers in the Usambara Highlands in Lushoto, Tanzania Credit: Sara Quinn, Communications Specialist, CIP
Site 2 (Harvesting the fields) Improving potato yields for farmers in the Usambara Highlands in Lushoto, Tanzania Credit: Sara Quinn, Communications Specialist, CIP
Site 1 Group Shot - Improving potato yields for farmers in the Usambara Highlands in Lushoto, Tanzania (Credit: Sara Quinn, Communications Specialist, CIP)
Site 1 (Sorting & Packing) Improving potato yields for farmers in the Usambara Highlands in Lushoto, Tanzania (Credit: Sara Quinn, Communications Specialist, CIP)
Site 1 (Voting & Evaluation) Improving potato yields for farmers in the Usambara Highlands in Lushoto, Tanzania Credit: Sara Quinn, Communications Specialist, CIP
Site 1 (Harvesting the fields) Improving potato yields for farmers in the Usambara Highlands in Lushoto, Tanzania (Credit: Sara Quinn, Communications Specialist, CIP)
Official Opening: Improving potato yields for farmers in the Usambara Highlands in Lushoto, Tanzania (Credits: Sara Quinn, Communications Specialist, CIP)
CIP Staff at work in the BecA-ILRI Hub, ILRI Nairobi Campus (Credit: Sara Quinn, CIP)
CIP Staff at work in the BecA-ILRI Hub, ILRI Nairobi Campus (Credit: Sara Quinn, CIP)
CIP Staff at work in the BecA-ILRI Hub, ILRI Nairobi Campus (Credit: Sara Quinn, CIP)
CIP Staff at work in the BecA-ILRI Hub, ILRI Nairobi Campus (Credit: Sara Quinn, CIP)
Holetta Research Center and National Biotechnology Research Lab - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Credit: Sara Quinn, CIP)
In the Lab - Holetta Research Center and National Biotechnology Research Lab - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Credit: Sara Quinn, CIP)
Potato & Sweetpotato Farmer - Kitanu Girmay, Outside Mek'ele, Northern Ethiopia (Photo Credit: Sara Quinn, CIP)
OFSP School Garden & Feeding Program - Hawzon Town, Outside Mek'ele, Northern Ethiopia (Photo Credit: Sara Quinn, CIP)
Potato & Sweetpotato at the Tigray Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) - Mek'ele, Northern Ethiopia Credit: Sara Quinn, CIP
Womens Group OFSP Producers & Value Adding Mek'ele, Northern Ethiopia (April, 2014) Credit: Sara Quinn, CIP
Graduation Ceremony & Celebrations Everything you ever wanted to know about Sweetpotato ToT Course (Credit: S. Quinn, CIP)
Student & Facilitator Portraits - Everything you ever wanted to know about Sweetpotato ToT Course, Morogoro, Tanzania (March 10 - 21, 2014) (Credit: S. Quinn, CIP)
Everything you ever wanted to know about Sweetpotato ToT Course, Morogoro, Tanzania (March 10 - 21, 2014) (Credit: S. Quinn, CIP)
OFSP Demonstration Plot at Sokoine University, Morogoro, Tanzania March 2014 (Credit: S. Quinn, CIP)
SP Course Participants Field Visit - OFSP Demonstration Plot at Sokoine University, Morogoro, Tanzania March 2014 (Credit: S. Quinn, CIP)
OFSP in Tanzania - Visiting Sebastian a smallholder OFSP Farmer in Tanzania (Credit: S. Quinn, CIP)
Dr Barbara Wells, CIP Director General visit to CIP-SSA In & Around Nairobi & Western Kenya (Credit: B. Cheruiyot & N. Zani, CIP)
Dr Barbara Wells, CIP Director General visits Kisima Farms Potato Storage & Aeroponics (Credit: S. Quinn, CIP)
Dr Barbara Wells, CIP Director General visits Smallholder Potato Farmers in Mt Kenya (Credit: S. Quinn, CIP)
CIP SSA Staff Profiles
Western Kenya OFSP Images for HKI & CIP 20-21 November 2013 (Credit HKI)
CIP Office Images (Meetings, Celebrations, Birthdays & More!)
Asrat Amele Potato Breeder - Lab Visit (Credit: S. Quinn, CIP)
Harvesting Potato for Seed, Kisima Farms (Photo Credit: S. Quinn, CIP)
Kisima Farm Field Trip - Album 2 (Photo Credits: S. Quinn, CIP)
Kisima Farms Field Trip - Album 1 (Photo Credits: S. Quinn, CIP)
Lunchbox Series - CIP SSA
Reaching Agents of Change (RAC) "Retreat for Regional Food & Nutrition Advocacy Champions” Day 3 (Credit: S. Quinn, CIP)
OFSP Cooking & Food Products
Reaching Agents of Change (RAC) "Retreat for Regional Food & Nutrition Advocacy Champions” Day 2 (Credit: S. Quinn, CIP)
Reaching Agents of Change (RAC) Project: "Retreat for Regional Food & Nutrition Advocacy Champions” Day 1 (Photo Credit: S. Quinn, CIP)
Reaching Agents of Change (RAC) Project - Fortified Products: Oil, Sugar & Flour (Nakumatt Junction) (Photo Credit: S. Quinn, CIP)
Orange Fleshed Sweetpotato (OFSP) Flour, Supported by CIP
HumidTropics Field Visit - Potato Harvest Time DAY 2 (23 January 2014) (Photo Credit: S. Quinn, CIP)
HumidTropics Field Visit - Potato Harvest Time DAY 1 (22 January 2014) (Photo Credit: S. Quinn, CIP)
Kabati Women's Group Field Trip. Kirinyaga Country. 25 January 2014
Collection of Potato & Sweetpotato Photographs
CIP & Shamba Shape Up Location Scouting Trip - Nyeri, Central Kenya October 2013 (Credit: Sara Quinn, CIP)
CIP & SHAMBA Shape Up - OFSP Filming Sites (Credit: Sara Quinn, CIP)
Kisumu to Bungoma OFSP Farm & Production Site Visits, October 2013 (Credit: Sara Quinn, CIP)
Emily Mueller - Integrating Orange Project Manager, CIP Zambia
CIP Nairobi Staff
Asrat Amele, Potato Breeding Program. Visit to the lab & greenhouse. Gathering Seeds (November 6, 2013) Credit - Sara Quinn, CIP
Asrat Amele, Potato Breeding Program. Visit to the lab & greenhouse. Gathering Seeds (November 6, 2013) Credit - Sara Quinn, CIP
CIP Celebrates the new office! Friday Morning Coffee (FMC) at ILRI Nov 1, 2013 (Credit - S. Quinn, CIP)
HumidTropics Field Visits Western Kenya Oct 2013 (Credit - S. Quinn) Album 4
HumidTropics Field Visits Western Kenya Oct 2013 (Credit - S. Quinn) Album 3
HumidTropics Field Visits Western Kenya Oct 2013 (Credit - S. Quinn) Album 2
HumidTropics Field Visits, Western Kenya Oct 2013 (Credit - S. Quinn) Album 1
HumidTropics Training, Vihiga, Western Kenya Oct 2013