edgarandron - Busy!: Millie 16 April 2016 8799Ri 4x6
Batikart: Stairway to Heaven
Long Sleeper: Happy Furry Friday!
Nancy Rose: Look dear, I got it on the roof all by myself!
johnshlau: "Colors are the Smiles of Nature." - Leigh Hunt
Kap'n'Kaos~Too: " White Tailed Bumble Bee (Bombus lucorum)..."
nockel64: Let`s go home
johnshlau: No Wonder You're Called "Rainbow" Finch
Kerri Lee Smith: There's handsome... and then there's drop-dead gorgeous!
Hard-Rain: Chipmunk (Least or Yellow-Pine) Yellowstone National Park
edgarandron - Busy!: "Do I have to move?" (Gracie 27 January 2010) 0694b
sheribuch711: Boulder Jct, Wisconsin
Hard-Rain: American Badger - Badlands National Park
Nancy Rose: I said, "Peanuts NOW!!"
BlueLunarRose: Blue Moon last night (31 July 2015)
FocusPocus Photography: Summer pleasures
Kerri Lee Smith: Yet another cat photo of a cat that's not Jimmy or Mack
J Bespoy Photography: Tiny Only in Stature
Xena*best friend*: † In Memory of Oglia † [Explored]
richard.mcmanus.: Puffin with sandeels on Skomer Island.
Kap'n'Kaos~Too: " Tides Reach...."
nockel64: Metamorphose
famkefonz: In your face Trigger
edgarandron - Busy!: Portulaca (Moss Rose) 18 June 2015 5203Ri sq
edgarandron - Busy!: Bachelors Button 9 June 2015 5088Rif 4x6
Batikart: Dandelion Flower Head
edgarandron - Busy!: Clematis 3 June 2015 4969Ri sq
Kap'n'Kaos~Too: " Come On Guys...Grubs Up..."