Angel.M2: Peñiscola..
elpolodiablo: Motion 2/52
albert dros: Intergalactic Crossing
pvarney3: Deep Creek Overlook, Great Smoky Mountains National Park
lfeng1014: Maple Leaves Afire 火红的楓葉
Masa_N: The gate on the rocky seashore
ASPphotographic: electric blu
Ruth Hayton: What is round there
mirrormatch: Moonlit mountains with a touch of green
bdh_photos: IllumiNations: Reflections of Earth
anthony samaniego: sittin' pretty
Dave Roberts3: Autumn Pergola
fleckchen: Indian Summer am Greizer Parkteich/Vogtland - Schönes Wochenende!
Jan van der Wolf: Building with windows (on Explore)
Bhalalhaika: The owls are not what they seem
Aurex_F: Autumn
Jarno Savinen: Dawn IV
palateth: Katyusha #10
ShelSerkin: MIsty
augustynbatko: October.
Antonio Chac: El cielo al amanecer
Lorraine1234: Clarity affords focus.
West Leigh: Misty Morning
wentloog: Pier Dawn
Matthias Lehnecke | Why not stick around for a while? [Explored, 2015-10-26]