gcampbellphoto: Black Darter (Sympetrum danae)
Tomingramphotography.com: Olive Headed Tree Frog
Jose Luis_Santamaría: pico picapinos (Dendrocopos major)
Heath's moth page: Small Mottled Willow - Spodoptera exigua
Bruno Conjeaud: Tropical Parula
wang1688: Butterfly At Rest
austindca: assassin bug nymphs
Kevin E. Fox: Palm Warbler
ericnzhou: Black-chinned Hummingbird, Female/Juvenile
Phfph: Common Cicada
Valéry Sauvage: Sympetrum meridionale mâle 2 MD uncrop 180924
Wildlife and nature - Colombia: Pyrocephalus rubinus
Wildlife and nature - Colombia: Iridosornis porphyrocephalus
austindca: crab in a bud
Sinnassamy Michel: Peacock butterfly / Paon du jour
neilhilton65: Southern House Wren
Vincent Billotey: OIseaux du jour
Vincent Billotey: OIseaux du jour
Stoil Ivanov: Cicindela repanda - Bronzed Tiger Beetle
jbmcamisetas: TIGER BEETLE
AndyNeal: Green Tiger Beetle
Calopteron: Family Carabidae (Ground Beetles) / Genus Ellipsoptera (Ellipsed-winged Tiger Beetles)
Roman Willi Photography: Cicindela spec.
AndyNeal: Green Tiger Beetle Portrait
miro_mtl: Barred Owl (Chouette rayée)
Porschista: Bec de corall senegalés - Estrlda Astrid
Stoates-Findhorn: Sanderlings Scarpering
Keith Carlson: Long-billed Dowitcher