dcstep: Leap 7
dcstep: Leap 5
NavjotSingh: American Coot
ahidalgophoto@gmail.com: Bubo virginianus (Great horned owl) 7E2A0140
Tara Tanaka Digiscoped Photography: P1610272 Tricolored Heron in the magic morning light
Jeff Dyck: Mackenzie Woodland Caribou
kencrebbin: Common Golden Eye
Gregory Lis: Marbled Godwit
blokfam9739: Avalanche Creek
Guy Lichter Photography - 10M views Thank you: Great Horned Owl...#19 (Momma)
Kitty Kono: Kestrel Coming Atcha
Through The Big Lens: Northern harrier, male
brodmann's 17: incoming
brodmann's 17: talon protection
OwlPurist: Barred Owl
K S Kong: _0015361ca1
Earl Reinink: Flicker flapping its gums off
Earl Reinink: Next years nesting site?
Afi Chen: 20150915-50
BN Singh: Peregrine Falcon
Luis Villablanca: Andean Cock-of-the-Rock
ahidalgophoto@gmail.com: Aguila Elegante (spizaetus ornatus) cropInv-0557
ahidalgophoto@gmail.com: Aguila Elegante (spizaetus ornatus) cropIzq-0564
Ryser915: Monhegan Night
calba: "Paths are made by walking" ~ Franz Kafka
bird behaving badly: Piliated Woodpecker
Turk Images: Red-winged Blackbird