Anastàssia: Trying gold for the first time. #gold #ceramic #laccentnou #golden #handmade
*M-C1*: Tuesday April 22nd, 2014 Day 112 Happy Earth Day.
Béla Baumann: portrait
LaTouchables: 2April14(2)
*M-C1*: Wednesday April 2nd, 2014 Day 92 The Joy of Cupcake Cones.
pini piru: Hoodie time
viltalakim: They arrived! !! #blockstamps #india
Béla Baumann: tavaszi vetés
*M-C1*: March 25th, 2014 Day 84 Not Today
Muzzlehatch: Salvation Mountain
*M-C1*: Friday March 21st, 2014 Day 80 “I have always looked upon decay as being just as wonderful and rich an expression of life as growth.” - Henry Miller
*M-C1*: Sunday March 16th, 2014 Day 75 A Day at the Beach.
viltalakim: This time i try to wait till it is completely dry inside. Before opening. ... and admiring the result. .. #ecoprinting . #patience #silk with #Lavendula and #Forsythia. Wish me luck ;-)
Polgár Ádám: Margit híd
Béla Baumann: veszprémi tél
Anastàssia: Dreamy amazonite crescent moons
pini piru: Barrie Kas
boldcolorglass: Fian Koncept
Blind Spot Jewellery: Damascus Gem ring
Blind Spot Jewellery: Damascus Gem ring
Blind Spot Jewellery: fresh ink :)
subblue: Fabergé Fractals
CarolynsHope: I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way--things I had no words for.
Jon Downs: stormy weather
cinnamon girl ♡: fall is here. watch out for colds.
ghostrider2112: SXM 2012 Canon 1125 118
boldcolorglass: mohadesign