Tomitheos: Fabergé egg
B.B.H.70: Under the moonlight
B.B.H.70: The Wicked Lady's lair
mbmayorka: Puente de la Libertad II
Oliver Kay Photography: Bolt out of the blue!
epemsl: Plastik Frühling
Saint-Exupery: Supersonic
ángel mateo: Dualidades I
josechino2424: ........
Malia León : Impecable
81GAZ: Cheddar caves, Somerset
marlonthomas289: 10389129_10204974981885672_982163682772216954_n
Chris(tian) Rooibos: Planeta Chufa
josechino2424: Plaza constitucion
Quernus Crafts: Teapot Mice
Ferny Carreras: Feliz martes de nubes en el charco
阿Len: 2014 蹦魚。金山 _IMG_9757
Mike Keller Photo: Inner Harbor- Baltimore, MD
阿Len: 荷。蓮 Lotus _IMG_9461
阿Len: 玉山圓柏。合歡北峰 One-seed juniper, Juniperus squamata _IMG_7765
Kelly McCarthy Photography: Honey and Cinnamon
Jesus_l: La paz de tu ojo
Jesus_l: La brisa no me dejaba
Lune Rambler: Quiet light
Saint-Exupery: Total recall