Zoonie: London Anti-War march banner
Zoonie: London anti-war march
Zoonie: US Gov Born again Looney
Zoonie: Bomb from 50,000 feet - Inspire terror
Zoonie: More home made banners
Zoonie: War is pants
Zoonie: This was a big Greenpeace dove
Zoonie: And we're at big Ben, at last
Zoonie: Some MPs show willing
Zoonie: Jimmy Hill says:
Zoonie: Home made banners make most sense
Zoonie: Banksy's mates out and about
Zoonie: Banksy banner
Zoonie: Me and Lee Maguire
Zoonie: Des
Zoonie: Anno and Anna
Zoonie: French anti-war sentiment in London
Zoonie: Make Tea, not war
Zoonie: Home made banner
Zoonie: A bunch of monks
Zoonie: Many, many, many
Zoonie: A sea of anti-warrists
Zoonie: Phil gives away how bloody cold it was
Zoonie: Outside Bush house I think