Zoonie: Interesting blue plaque in Wells
Zoonie: Restored Medieval man faces
Zoonie: Medieval Pac-Man
Zoonie: Restored Medieval man face
Zoonie: Medieval religious, carving naughtiness
Zoonie: Medieval face with traces of colour
Zoonie: Medieval stone carving with remnants of colour
Zoonie: Lightning storm in Sorède
Zoonie: Using 'nudge' in 1917
Zoonie: Official support fund for Christchurch families
Zoonie: Ben! Having photos taken of him! Woohoo!
Zoonie: Nora's 12th Birthday cake
Zoonie: Best. Game. Ever.
Zoonie: I had time for a second quick sketch
Zoonie: Slightly clearer photo of the conker sketch
Zoonie: Nice conker for Nora to draw
Zoonie: James messing with a voice synthesiser
Zoonie: These are a set of bookpaper designs I found. Beautiful.
Zoonie: These are a set of bookpaper designs I found. Beautiful.
Zoonie: These are a set of bookpaper designs I found. Beautiful.
Zoonie: These are a set of bookpaper designs I found. Beautiful.
Zoonie: Hot day, in the garden
Zoonie: Hot day, in the garden
Zoonie: Thumbs up
Zoonie: Nora's cake
Zoonie: JK Rowling's Harry story structuring
Zoonie: It felt blurry in there too
Zoonie: 3Doodler experiments
Zoonie: 3Doodler experiments