zooglia: Aerial view
zooglia: View from the neighbour's roof
zooglia: Our new camp.
zooglia: The backhoe at work
zooglia: Hoe at work
zooglia: Clearing continues
zooglia: Loads of fill were necessary to make the ground firmer than the existing sand.
zooglia: What it looked like prior to clearing - lots of pokey mesquite!
zooglia: Clearing is almost done now...
zooglia: the septic tank location being dug
zooglia: Lot and pitahaya cactus as seen from the back.
zooglia: The pitahaya cactus is a prize!
zooglia: Prior to the wall being built.
zooglia: Septic tank in progress...
zooglia: view of the pitahaya from the kitchen
zooglia: Septic tank lid is about to be poured...
zooglia: view back to B&L's from the kitchen. The beach is just on the other side of the blue house.
zooglia: planting of a little grove by the cactus has begun...
zooglia: Z's trailer
zooglia: Dining area in the trailer. There's a bunk that sleeps 2 above the dining table.
zooglia: Kitchen in the trailer
zooglia: Bougainvillea survived the transplant over to the base of the pitahaya!
zooglia: Beginnings of the temporary bathroom structure
zooglia: the pitahaya draws in beautiful birds...
zooglia: seatoskybaja20157
zooglia: hibiscus