zooglia: seatoskybaja20154
zooglia: seatoskybaja20153
zooglia: seatoskybaja20152
zooglia: seatoskybaja20151
zooglia: hibiscus
zooglia: seatoskybaja20157
zooglia: the pitahaya draws in beautiful birds...
zooglia: Bloggy the Doggy is a good little captain!
zooglia: Four Lakes Trail - 2 out of 4 ain't bad!
zooglia: the moss is so green and spring-like!
zooglia: 9-km round-trip
zooglia: Pleasant sight to see coming out of the woods in the dark...
zooglia: Trail name
zooglia: I love the woods!
zooglia: Alice Lake
zooglia: IMG_5077_2
zooglia: And yet more moss...
zooglia: The trails are so pretty and welcoming
zooglia: I hope to make it to all four next time.
zooglia: Green moss and red earth
zooglia: Edith Lake
zooglia: Beginnings of the temporary bathroom structure
zooglia: Bougainvillea survived the transplant over to the base of the pitahaya!
zooglia: Kitchen in the trailer
zooglia: Dining area in the trailer. There's a bunk that sleeps 2 above the dining table.
zooglia: Z's trailer
zooglia: planting of a little grove by the cactus has begun...
zooglia: view back to B&L's from the kitchen. The beach is just on the other side of the blue house.
zooglia: Septic tank lid is about to be poured...