akum6n: RxH - Jinja-R (MJ-P05)
akum6n: RealxHead - Jinja-R (MJ-P04)
Arb Toy Shots: RealxHead - Jinja R (Smoke)
revolux: Real x Head | Mutant Chaos
revolux: Real x Head | Mutant Head
revolux: Real x Head | Mutant Head
abelincolnjr: Win some lose some #werefucked rip 12/13/16
auxpeer°: DSC_0014
abelincolnjr: Here's another one... Feel free to use
gatchabert: After hyakumonogatari kaidankai, beware the ao andon that might come after #bertyokai
gatchabert: Yokai in 2 styles. Both are up on threadless. Free shipping till November 21st on all orders over $45 ($80 for international orders*). Use this code: FREESHIPcf7618
T.C.home: 感動,我終於摸到超合拳了⋯😭 #rikidizer3 #sofubi #goro
ProCarrion666: NagNagNag Unpainted Green Boryoku Genjin
Fiends Ain't Family: Boryoku Genjin
six7777: Misc toys
six7777: Misc toys
Fiends Ain't Family: Gargamel Lucky Bag '08 GID Gameppa
Fiends Ain't Family: Gargamel SDCC '07 Orange Bullmask
Fiends Ain't Family: Gargamel Monotone Gargadeath
revolux: Gargamel Gargamess
SeskaFuze: Gargamel Apple Green Gargamess
Jack Teagle: Death of the King
My Toy Museum: Taiwan Taipei Toy Trip – Taipei (Underground) City Mall (台北地下街) – 1 July 2016 – 8
EVOM: Butanohana Green '62 Goji
T.C.home: #picopico #lulubell
rattanicus: IMG_3810
akum6n: RealxHead - Mutant Chaos (micro release 7-11)
akum6n: RxH - Fighter Chaos (SF54 ltd 09-10)