David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: And if food was indicated with colors like this plant does it for hummingbirds ? Guzmania gloriosa (close to Guzmania squarrosa but I think it is G. gloriosa). In situ during a Bromeliad and botany tour I guided in Valle del Cauca and Cauca depts, Colombi
Flickr: 16 Questions about 1 Photo with Judith Kuhn
Mono Andes: Laguna Carilauna
Pato Novoa: Puya berteroniana - isotipo G
Pato Novoa: Puya berteroniana Filed has
Pato Novoa: Puya alpestris type
Todd Boland: Puya mirabilis
andrepitos: acûa
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: Leaves of Anthurium species in competition with the "small" Cecropia leaf I have shown in the former picture. Following with the kind of living beings that make me feel like I am in Jurassic Park when walking in forests of Colombia... Risaralda department
Mono Andes: Valle de las Lágrimas
Aribiloba: Gonatodes castanae- FIGURE 2
Aribiloba: Gonatodes castanae- FIGURE 4
In Memoriam: Ecuador Megadiverso: Trichosalpinx arbuscula?
koen_jacobs: the returned
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: A good morning where I live. When weather allows it we can see the Central as well as the Western Mountain ranges looking in one direction or the other and enjoy fabulous Farallones de Cali National Park's forest views. Colombia: landscapes and diversity!
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: A good morning where I live. When weather allows it we can see the Central as well as the Western Mountain ranges looking in one direction or the other and enjoy fabulous Farallones de Cali National Park's forest views. Colombia: landscapes and diversity!
Cristian L. Castro: Epidendrum malmoense
Cristian L. Castro: ORCHIDACEAE. Lepanthes manabina Dodson
Cristian L. Castro: Rubiaceae_ Palicourea schunkei (C.M.Taylor) C.M.Taylor, Putumayo_Orito, NM 6759, COAH!, C.Castro_20 Cristian Castro
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: Green Lepanthes manabina during a very flowered 2 days tour I just guided for some naturalists from French Guyana to observe botany and orchids in their natural habitats, with some exceptional species. Valle del Cauca department, Colombia.
Mono Andes: Bomarea salsilla
Mono Andes: Chloraea lamellata
Mono Andes: Cerro Rahue y Laguna El Calambre
Sebastian Vieira-Uribe: Epidendrum porpax Rchb.f.
Cristian L. Castro: Orchidaceae_Pleurothallis subsect. Pleurothallis, Putumayo_Orito, CC 2721, COAH
Mono Andes: Lithraea caustica
Passiflorae: Passiflora 'White Queen'
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: Mormodes speciosa “in flight“ ! A spectacular endemic species from Colombia. Nature goes beyond imagination, not for humans’ pleasure but for reproductions’ sake and perpetuation of species in the wild. We don’t necessarily need to possess these plants,