Nad: Crow
Nad: Natural history museum
Nad: Spot the difference
grenzfurthner: Earthmoving / UN / Location
kaethe_h: tand
Nad: Convoy: the flip
Nad: Tears
Nad: Simulacrum
the maki: set the controls
Alberto Balsam: Das Krankenhaus am Rande der Stadt, Brutalismus mon amour
Barack Obama: 20081104_Chicago_IL_ElectionNight1005
Crochet Sera Sera: Dobbshead Filet
RLBeaton: Halo Around the Moon
phanysorskantilite: david against goliath
WilWheaton: So. Fucking. Awesome.
K Robison: Brawndo: The Thirst Mutilator
Lady, That's My Skull: Saber, the Mighty Man with the Piercing Brain
merwing✿little dear: MAKE YOUR OWN swiffer duster instructions
Nad: Kubrick stick
spanaut: salon helga
ImABuddha: Nice manhole cover
杲 くま: Yugen no Ma 10
Eldon Nyqvist: Triple Torus as it came from printer