The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 50 of "Songs for Little People [With illustrations by H. Stratton.]"
Nikki Pugh: Where the Sky Widens - CeMoRe
Menno Deen: Cover-Thesis
kolbisneat: The Hordey Bunch
Rich_Lem: The comics section of USC's Leavey Library yields great treasures.
Kaeru: PAPA book back cover
ElectricLov: P8136329
Official GDC: GDC Europe 2014 Session: Game a Week: How to Succeed, Fail and Learn (Monday, 8/11)
Kaeru: Zuraida astride a deer sculpture and street musicians
Kaeru: Games for People by Pat Ashe and George Buckenham
Kaeru: Engagement Games pamphlet by Eric Gordon
Rich_Lem: The @USCGames Secret Student Game Show was a big success (along with Demo Day and the MFA Thesis Industry Night!). Thanks to everyone who took part, and who came along!
AnnaTheRed: Monument Valley
Ars Electronica: Games of the Future
Official GDC: General
Ochaviere: Alone
Kaeru: Dixit and vodka to round off a pretty epic boardgame night
kolbisneat: Open All Winter - Panda
mozillaeu: MozFest
playability_de: Media Hack Day (Composite)
Mr. la Cour: Athens
Ars Electronica: Acoustic Time Travel / Bill Fontana (US)
Ars Electronica: Your-Cosmos
Ars Electronica: Game Jam
Cologne Game Lab: Notgames Fest 2013
lee.gj: 20130731-0805_51
matlock: This is a *lot* of fun...
danhon: Awe-some!