zleaz: A very happy thanksgiving!
zleaz: Gamin'.
zleaz: Tech-fest.
zleaz: A nice time.
zleaz: Making fun of Jen's parenting.
zleaz: Thanksgiving feast.
zleaz: There's a lot of Julia pictures, FYI.
zleaz: Happy!
zleaz: Happier!
zleaz: Intruder alert!
zleaz: Good work on the meal.
zleaz: Carb-loading.
zleaz: Zeke nerdin' out.
zleaz: Fwimmean?
zleaz: She's so good at blocking my shots.
zleaz: No room at the table.
zleaz: Ashton upset with the empty bag.
zleaz: Like the pilgrims, I'm sure.
zleaz: Thanksgiving on the deck.
zleaz: Zeke in the pool.
zleaz: Keira.
zleaz: The water was frigid.
zleaz: Pondering the great questions of life...
zleaz: ... like should I go swimming or not?
zleaz: Good pose, buddy.
zleaz: Out back on the deck!
zleaz: Investigating.
zleaz: Poor Nate trying to solve the pole problem.
zleaz: Slow-going...
zleaz: Setting a bad example with no life-vests, guys.